Code Changelog

This page contains the changelog for the specparam / fooof module, including release notes and guidance on updating between versions.

This page primarily notes changes for major version updates. For notes on the specific updates for minor releases, see the release page.


The 1.1.X release is a minor (non-breaking) update to the 1.X.X release series. More detailed information on what is updated in 1.1.0 is on the release page.

Note that 1.1.0 is the last planned release in the 1.X.X, and under the fooof name. All future development will be under the new specparam module name, starting with the upcoming specparam 2.0.0 release.


Warning: the 1.X.X release series is an API breaking release from the prior versions, in the beta series (0.X.X). It is a stable release version of the module.

As compared to the prior series (0.X.X), some names and module organizations have changed. This means existing code that uses FOOOF may no longer work as currently written with the new version, and may need updating. You should update to the new version when you are ready to update your code to reflect the new changes.

Note that the main changes are in code organization, some names, and the addition of many new features. The fitting algorithm itself has not changed, and model results fit with the new version should be roughly equivalent to those with older versions. However, there are bug fixes and tweaks such that new model fits are not guaranteed to be the identical to prior fits.

Code Organization

The internal organization of the module has changed with the 1.X.X series.

These internal organization changes mostly reflect turning internal files into sub-modules. Overall, this means that although the main functions and objects can still be imported the same as in the 0.X.X series, some items have changed name or moved.

To see the new names and organization of the module, check the API page.

Naming Updates

There are a series of name changes with the new 1.X.X series.

These name changes were done to update the module to reflect the current vocabulary and conceptual ideas relating to work on parameterizing neural power spectra.

The main name changes are:

  • the synth module is now called them sim module

  • references to background are now called aperiodic

    • setting background_mode -> aperiodic_mode

    • attribute background_params_ -> aperiodic_params_

    • short name bg is now replaced with ap

  • slope is now called exponent

  • amplitude, in reference to peaks, is now called height

    • setting min_peak_amplitude -> min_peak_height

    • References to AMP are now labeled and accessed as PW (for ‘power’)

Code Updates

The 1.X.X series adds a large number of code updates & additions, including:

  • A big extension of the plotting sub-module

  • Adding new functions to manipulate, manage, organize and manage FOOOF objects

  • Add new analysis functions, including more utilities for checking model errors

  • Add a new ‘Bands’ object for managing frequency band definitions

  • Extra methods on FOOOF & FOOOFGroup objects for managing data & results

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes & other additions

The full history of changes is available in the Github commit and pull request history.

The bulk of the updates for 1.X.X went through in the following pull requests:

  • #152: broad updates, including lots of issue fixes, and code & documentation extensions

  • #139: add ‘Bands’ object and more functions for managing FOOOF objects

  • #130: updates data objects and internal data management

  • #121 & #129: code reorganizations & cleanups

  • #122: Updating terminology and names

Documentation Updates

The 1.X.X series comes with an updated documentation site.

As well as updating the tutorials, API list, and other existing documentation, there are also new materials, including:

  • new examples, including new pages that cover new functionality

  • a new ‘motivations’ section, exploring why ‘parameterizing neural power spectra’ is a useful idea & method

  • new or updated sections on frequently asked questions, a module glossary, and how to reference the module

A Note on Previously Saved Data

Note that if you have data saved out from the 0.X.X release series of the module, then the code update to the 1.X.X series won’t be able to properly load this data out of the box.

This is due to the naming changes, and in particular the change from ‘background’ to ‘aperiodic’. Note that saved FOOOF files are plain-text JSON files, and so if you find & replace the word ‘background’ to ‘aperiodic’, this should update the files so that they can be loaded by the 1.X.X version. Note that if you also saved out the algorithm settings, you may need to update the name of min_peak_amplitude to min_peak_height as well.


The 0.1.X series was the initial release series of beta versions of the FOOOF module.

The old series of releases has a different naming scheme and module organization to the current 1.X.X series, and is now deprecated, with no plans to update or maintain this version.

These releases are described, and can still be accessed, on the release page