Source code for fooof.plts.spectra

"""Power spectrum plotting functions.

This file contains functions for plotting power spectra, that take in data directly.

from inspect import isfunction
from itertools import repeat, cycle

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import sem

from fooof.core.modutils import safe_import, check_dependency
from fooof.plts.settings import PLT_FIGSIZES
from import style_spectrum_plot, style_plot
from fooof.plts.utils import check_ax, add_shades, savefig, check_plot_kwargs

plt = safe_import('.pyplot', 'matplotlib')


[docs]@savefig @style_plot @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_spectra(freqs, power_spectra, log_freqs=False, log_powers=False, freq_range=None, colors=None, labels=None, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot one or multiple power spectra. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d or 2d array or list of 1d array Frequency values, to be plotted on the x-axis. power_spectra : 1d or 2d array or list of 1d array Power values, to be plotted on the y-axis. log_freqs : bool, optional, default: False Whether to plot the frequency axis in log spacing. log_powers : bool, optional, default: False Whether to plot the power axis in log spacing. freq_range : list of [float, float], optional Frequency range to plot, defined in linear space. colors : list of str, optional, default: None Line colors of the spectra. labels : list of str, optional, default: None Legend labels for the spectra. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. For spectra plots, boolean input `grid` can be used to control if the figure has a grid. """ # Create the plot & collect plot kwargs of interest ax = check_ax(ax, plot_kwargs.pop('figsize', PLT_FIGSIZES['spectral'])) plot_kwargs = check_plot_kwargs(plot_kwargs, {'linewidth' : 2.0}) grid = plot_kwargs.pop('grid', True) # Check for frequency range input, and log if x-axis is in log space if freq_range is not None: freq_range = np.log10(freq_range) if log_freqs else freq_range # Make inputs iterable if need to be passed multiple times to plot each spectrum plt_powers = np.reshape(power_spectra, (1, -1)) if isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) and \ np.ndim(power_spectra) == 1 else power_spectra plt_freqs = repeat(freqs) if isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) and freqs.ndim == 1 else freqs # Set labels labels = plot_kwargs.pop('label') if 'label' in plot_kwargs.keys() and labels is None else labels labels = repeat(labels) if not isinstance(labels, list) else cycle(labels) colors = repeat(colors) if not isinstance(colors, list) else cycle(colors) # Plot power spectra, looping across all spectra to plot for freqs, powers, color, label in zip(plt_freqs, plt_powers, colors, labels): # Set plot data, logging if requested, and collect color, if absent freqs = np.log10(freqs) if log_freqs else freqs powers = np.log10(powers) if log_powers else powers if color: plot_kwargs['color'] = color ax.plot(freqs, powers, label=label, **plot_kwargs) ax.set_xlim(freq_range) style_spectrum_plot(ax, log_freqs, log_powers, grid)
# Alias `plot_spectrum` to `plot_spectra` for backwards compatibility plot_spectrum = plot_spectra
[docs]@savefig @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_spectra_shading(freqs, power_spectra, shades, shade_colors='r', add_center=False, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot one or multiple power spectra with a shaded frequency region (or regions). Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d or 2d array or list of 1d array Frequency values, to be plotted on the x-axis. power_spectra : 1d or 2d array or list of 1d array Power values, to be plotted on the y-axis. shades : list of [float, float] or list of list of [float, float] Shaded region(s) to add to plot, defined as [lower_bound, upper_bound]. shade_colors : str or list of string Color(s) to plot shades. add_center : bool, optional, default: False Whether to add a line at the center point of the shaded regions. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. For spectra plots, boolean input `grid` can be used to control if the figure has a grid. This can also include additional inputs into :func:`~.plot_spectra`. Notes ----- Parameters for `plot_spectra` can also be passed into this function as keyword arguments. This includes `log_freqs`, `log_powers` & `labels`. See `plot_spectra` for usage details. """ ax = check_ax(ax, plot_kwargs.pop('figsize', PLT_FIGSIZES['spectral'])) plot_spectra(freqs, power_spectra, ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) add_shades(ax, shades, shade_colors, add_center, plot_kwargs.get('log_freqs', False)) style_spectrum_plot(ax, plot_kwargs.get('log_freqs', False), plot_kwargs.get('log_powers', False), plot_kwargs.get('grid', True))
# Alias `plot_spectrum_shading` to `plot_spectra_shading` for backwards compatibility plot_spectrum_shading = plot_spectra_shading
[docs]@savefig @style_plot @check_dependency(plt, 'matplotlib') def plot_spectra_yshade(freqs, power_spectra, shade='std', average='mean', scale=1, log_freqs=False, log_powers=False, color=None, label=None, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot standard deviation or error as a shaded region around the mean spectrum. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values, to be plotted on the x-axis. power_spectra : 1d or 2d array Power values, to be plotted on the y-axis. ``shade`` must be provided if 1d. shade : 'std', 'sem', 1d array or callable, optional, default: 'std' Approach for shading above/below the mean spectrum. average : 'mean', 'median' or callable, optional, default: 'mean' Averaging approach for the average spectrum to plot. Only used if power_spectra is 2d. scale : int, optional, default: 1 Factor to multiply the plotted shade by. log_freqs : bool, optional, default: False Whether to plot the frequency axis in log spacing. log_powers : bool, optional, default: False Whether to plot the power axis in log spacing. color : str, optional, default: None Line color of the spectrum. label : str, optional, default: None Legend label for the spectrum. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. **plot_kwargs Additional plot related keyword arguments, with styling options managed by ``style_plot``. For spectra plots, boolean input `grid` can be used to control if the figure has a grid. This can also include additional inputs into :func:`~.plot_spectra`. """ if (isinstance(shade, str) or isfunction(shade)) and power_spectra.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Power spectra must be 2d if shade is not given.') ax = check_ax(ax, plot_kwargs.pop('figsize', PLT_FIGSIZES['spectral'])) grid = plot_kwargs.pop('grid', True) # Set plot data & labels, logging if requested plt_freqs = np.log10(freqs) if log_freqs else freqs plt_powers = np.log10(power_spectra) if log_powers else power_spectra # Organize mean spectrum to plot avg_funcs = {'mean' : np.mean, 'median' : np.median} if isinstance(average, str) and plt_powers.ndim == 2: avg_powers = avg_funcs[average](plt_powers, axis=0) elif isfunction(average) and plt_powers.ndim == 2: avg_powers = average(plt_powers) else: avg_powers = plt_powers # Plot average power spectrum ax.plot(plt_freqs, avg_powers, linewidth=2.0, color=color, label=label) # Organize shading to plot shade_funcs = {'std' : np.std, 'sem' : sem} if isinstance(shade, str): shade_vals = scale * shade_funcs[shade](plt_powers, axis=0) elif isfunction(shade): shade_vals = scale * shade(plt_powers) else: shade_vals = scale * shade upper_shade = avg_powers + shade_vals lower_shade = avg_powers - shade_vals # Plot +/- yshading around spectrum alpha = plot_kwargs.pop('alpha', 0.25) ax.fill_between(plt_freqs, lower_shade, upper_shade, alpha=alpha, color=color, **plot_kwargs) style_spectrum_plot(ax, log_freqs, log_powers, grid)