Source code for fooof.objs.utils

"""Utility functions for managing and manipulating FOOOF objects."""

import numpy as np

from fooof.sim import gen_freqs
from import FOOOFResults
from fooof.objs import FOOOF, FOOOFGroup
from fooof.analysis.periodic import get_band_peak_fg
from fooof.core.errors import NoModelError, IncompatibleSettingsError


[docs]def compare_info(fooof_lst, aspect): """Compare a specified aspect of FOOOF objects across instances. Parameters ---------- fooof_lst : list of FOOOF and / or FOOOFGroup Objects whose attributes are to be compared. aspect : {'settings', 'meta_data'} Which set of attributes to compare the objects across. Returns ------- consistent : bool Whether the settings are consistent across the input list of objects. """ # Check specified aspect of the objects are the same across instances for f_obj_1, f_obj_2 in zip(fooof_lst[:-1], fooof_lst[1:]): if getattr(f_obj_1, 'get_' + aspect)() != getattr(f_obj_2, 'get_' + aspect)(): consistent = False break else: consistent = True return consistent
[docs]def average_fg(fg, bands, avg_method='mean', regenerate=True): """Average across model fits in a FOOOFGroup object. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object with model fit results to average across. bands : Bands Bands object that defines the frequency bands to collapse peaks across. avg : {'mean', 'median'} Averaging function to use. regenerate : bool, optional, default: True Whether to regenerate the model for the averaged parameters. Returns ------- fm : FOOOF Object containing the average model results. Raises ------ ValueError If the requested averaging method is not understood. NoModelError If there are no model fit results available to average across. """ if not fg.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") avg_funcs = {'mean' : np.nanmean, 'median' : np.nanmedian} if avg_method not in avg_funcs.keys(): raise ValueError("Requested average method not understood.") # Aperiodic parameters: extract & average ap_params = avg_funcs[avg_method](fg.get_params('aperiodic_params'), 0) # Periodic parameters: extract & average peak_params = [] gauss_params = [] for band_def in bands.definitions: peaks = get_band_peak_fg(fg, band_def, attribute='peak_params') gauss = get_band_peak_fg(fg, band_def, attribute='gaussian_params') # Check if there are any extracted peaks - if not, don't add # Note that we only check peaks, but gauss should be the same if not np.all(np.isnan(peaks)): peak_params.append(avg_funcs[avg_method](peaks, 0)) gauss_params.append(avg_funcs[avg_method](gauss, 0)) peak_params = np.array(peak_params) gauss_params = np.array(gauss_params) # Goodness of fit measures: extract & average r2 = avg_funcs[avg_method](fg.get_params('r_squared')) error = avg_funcs[avg_method](fg.get_params('error')) # Collect all results together, to be added to FOOOF object results = FOOOFResults(ap_params, peak_params, r2, error, gauss_params) # Create the new FOOOF object, with settings, data info & results fm = FOOOF() fm.add_settings(fg.get_settings()) fm.add_meta_data(fg.get_meta_data()) fm.add_results(results) # Generate the average model from the parameters if regenerate: fm._regenerate_model() return fm
[docs]def average_reconstructions(fg, avg_method='mean'): """Average across model reconstructions for a group of power spectra. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object with model fit results to average across. avg : {'mean', 'median'} Averaging function to use. Returns ------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the average model reconstruction. avg_model : 1d array Power values for the average model reconstruction. Note that power values are in log10 space. """ if not fg.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") avg_funcs = {'mean' : np.nanmean, 'median' : np.nanmedian} if avg_method not in avg_funcs.keys(): raise ValueError("Requested average method not understood.") models = np.zeros(shape=fg.power_spectra.shape) for ind in range(len(fg)): models[ind, :] = fg.get_fooof(ind, regenerate=True).fooofed_spectrum_ avg_model = avg_funcs[avg_method](models, 0) return fg.freqs, avg_model
[docs]def combine_fooofs(fooofs): """Combine a group of FOOOF and/or FOOOFGroup objects into a single FOOOFGroup object. Parameters ---------- fooofs : list of FOOOF or FOOOFGroup Objects to be concatenated into a FOOOFGroup. Returns ------- fg : FOOOFGroup Resultant object from combining inputs. Raises ------ IncompatibleSettingsError If the input objects have incompatible settings for combining. Examples -------- Combine FOOOF objects together (where `fm1`, `fm2` & `fm3` are assumed to be defined and fit): >>> fg = combine_fooofs([fm1, fm2, fm3]) # doctest:+SKIP Combine FOOOFGroup objects together (where `fg1` & `fg2` are assumed to be defined and fit): >>> fg = combine_fooofs([fg1, fg2]) # doctest:+SKIP """ # Compare settings if not compare_info(fooofs, 'settings') or not compare_info(fooofs, 'meta_data'): raise IncompatibleSettingsError("These objects have incompatible settings " "or meta data, and so cannot be combined.") # Initialize FOOOFGroup object, with settings derived from input objects fg = FOOOFGroup(*fooofs[0].get_settings(), verbose=fooofs[0].verbose) # Use a temporary store to collect spectra, as we'll only add it if it is consistently present # We check how many frequencies by accessing meta data, in case of no frequency vector meta_data = fooofs[0].get_meta_data() n_freqs = len(gen_freqs(meta_data.freq_range, meta_data.freq_res)) temp_power_spectra = np.empty([0, n_freqs]) # Add FOOOF results from each FOOOF object to group for f_obj in fooofs: # Add FOOOFGroup object if isinstance(f_obj, FOOOFGroup): fg.group_results.extend(f_obj.group_results) if f_obj.power_spectra is not None: temp_power_spectra = np.vstack([temp_power_spectra, f_obj.power_spectra]) # Add FOOOF object else: fg.group_results.append(f_obj.get_results()) if f_obj.power_spectrum is not None: temp_power_spectra = np.vstack([temp_power_spectra, f_obj.power_spectrum]) # If the number of collected power spectra is consistent, then add them to object if len(fg) == temp_power_spectra.shape[0]: fg.power_spectra = temp_power_spectra # Set the check data mode, as True if any of the inputs have it on, False otherwise fg.set_check_data_mode(any(getattr(f_obj, '_check_data') for f_obj in fooofs)) # Add data information information fg.add_meta_data(fooofs[0].get_meta_data()) return fg
[docs]def fit_fooof_3d(fg, freqs, power_spectra, freq_range=None, n_jobs=1): """Fit FOOOF models across a 3d array of power spectra. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object to fit with, initialized with desired settings. freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power spectra, in linear space. power_spectra : 3d array Power values, in linear space, with shape as: [n_conditions, n_power_spectra, n_freqs]. freq_range : list of [float, float], optional Desired frequency range to fit. If not provided, fits the entire given range. n_jobs : int, optional, default: 1 Number of jobs to run in parallel. 1 is no parallelization. -1 uses all available cores. Returns ------- fgs : list of FOOOFGroups Collected FOOOFGroups after fitting across power spectra, length of n_conditions. Examples -------- Fit a 3d array of power spectra, assuming `freqs` and `spectra` are already defined: >>> from fooof import FOOOFGroup >>> fg = FOOOFGroup(peak_width_limits=[1, 6], min_peak_height=0.1) >>> fgs = fit_fooof_3d(fg, freqs, power_spectra, freq_range=[3, 30]) # doctest:+SKIP """ # Reshape 3d data to 2d and fit, in order to fit with a single group model object shape = np.shape(power_spectra) powers_2d = np.reshape(power_spectra, (shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2])), powers_2d, freq_range, n_jobs) # Reorganize 2d results into a list of model group objects, to reflect original shape fgs = [fg.get_group(range(dim_a * shape[1], (dim_a + 1) * shape[1])) \ for dim_a in range(shape[0])] return fgs